

Sunday, 11 December 2011

Water Saving

Saving water is one solution in the clean water crisis that increasingly we feel especially in big cities. One of them is by saving on water consumption at home, in addition to saving money is also a wise step for the environment primarily by the availability of clean water is increasingly difficult and less because of the increasing levels of water contamination and dwindling water is absorbed back into the ground. In addition, we have helped reduce the impact of global warming, preserve nature and keep our beloved earth.
For areas that still rely on groundwater as their main source of clean water, saving water also means reducing the consumption of ground water which if exploited could lead to excessive reduction in the surface soil.
There are some easy ways you can do to save water at home include:

  • Turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. Leaving the tap open 1 minute same as letting 9 liters of water wasted. Will be more efficient if you use glasses so water is not flowing continuously.
  • If possible, take a bath with shower. Bath with shower 3 times more efficient than the water bath with a bailer.
  • Immediately fix a leaky faucet. Leaky faucet can throw water up to 13 liters of water per day.
  • Use a toilet that uses two water flushing system. Each flushing system works according to the volume of water released. When the toilet is used only for urination, use flushing with small volumes which would be more efficient water consumption.
  • Choose the type of washing machine that requires little water.
  • If you wear glasses to drink water, fill a glass with just enough water swallowed up entirely. Avoid drinking water only or do not spend half a glass of drinking water in plastic containers.

  • Put a bucket under the faucet or ablution shelter, water being stored during ablution can be used to clean the bathroom, toilet, or for watering plants.
  • Use water washing vegetables and fruits used for watering plants. In addition to saving, water used washing vegetables, fruits and meat could actually fertilize the plants.
  • If possible, avoid using a hose. Use watering cans or buckets to wash the car.
  • Wash plants in the evening or early morning so water easily soak into the roots. Watering during the day only makes the water evaporate in vain.
  • Make biopori holes in the garden or around the house. These holes help to speed up the process of absorption of water into the soil, thus reducing the amount of water evaporated into free nature.

Of the total amount of water that exists on earth, 97 percent is sea water (salt) that can not be consumed and there is only 3 percent of fresh water. But from 3 percent, 2 percent in the form of frozen water in the North and South Pole. The remaining 1 percent were not all clean and only 0.62 percent are suitable for consumption. And fresh water, clean and worthy of this consumption-saving we have to save, compare the total population of the earth and the ratio of the amount of water that only 3 percent. Environmental factors including increasing population and climate change, making the water becomes an increasingly precious resource. So from now on we conserve water use, from small things at home for present and future and conserving nature and this beloved earth.


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