

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Impact of Using Styrofoam

Who would ever eat at Mc Donalds chicken soup, certainly Ever? Never do we buy food that is packed in Styrofoam containers. The use of Styrofoam as a food wrapping material is very dangerous, because the Styrofoam is made from styrene granules, which are processed using benzana. While "benzana" is a chemical hazardous to health when entered into the human body.


The more heat the food, the faster migration of chemicals into the food styrofoam. Fast food restaurants and roadside food vendors, using styrofoam for wrapping freshly baked food. There are even fast food outlets which again heats the food that has been wrapped styrofoam in the microwave.

Chemicals contained in a styrofoam will move on to the food more quickly if the fat content (fat) in a food or drink higher. Soup, teriyaki, Burger, spaghetti, are some examples of foods that contain high levels of fat, and usually served in hot conditions so that the fat contained no clot and good to eat.

Materials alcohols and acids accelerate the rate of displacement. eg lemon tea or hot lemon water, whiskey on the rock (cold whiskey). The content of acid and alcohol-soluble and accelerate benzana is ingested in our bodies.


Benzana can cause problems with:
- Thyroid gland, which disrupts the immune system so that we can easily become infected.
- Disrupt the nervous system, causing fatigue
- Speed ??up heart rate, making it difficult to sleep, the body becomes shaky, and become easily agitated.
- In some cases, can even lead benzana loss of consciousness and death
- When it goes into the blood cells in a long time will damage the spinal cord, resulting in reduced production of red blood cells and anemia arises.
- In women, these substances have a negative impact on the menstrual cycle and pregnancy threatens. and the most dangerous of these substances can cause breast cancer and prostate cancer.


Styrofoam is not environmentally friendly.
- It can not be broken down by nature.
Styrofoam will simply pile up and pollute the environment. Styrofoam is brought to the sea, would be damaging to the ecosystem and marine life. Some companies do recycle styrofoam. But in fact, done just destroy the old styrofoam, styrofoam shaping it into a new and re-use a food and beverage containers.
- The process of making styrofoam cause odor that interferes with breathing and releases of hazardous substances into the air 57.
Data EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in 1986 said the hazardous waste generated from the manufacturing process is very much styrofoam. It causes the EPA to categorize the process of making styrofoam as hazardous waste to the 5th largest in the world. In addition, the process of making styrofoam cause odor-odor that interferes with breathing, and releases of hazardous substances into the air 57.


such a large negative impact on health and the environment, some American cities such as Berkeley and Ohio have banned the use of styrofoam as food packaging.

Several years ago, Mc Donalds announced it would replace the styrofoam container with paper. Environmental experts say the decision as a'' victory'' because styrofoam environment is very dangerous for your health and the environment.

Several world institutions like the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has been categorized as styrofoam carsinogen material (material cause of cancer).

Similarly, a review of "impact of the use of Styrofoam", others refer to the article continues in

Thank you, may be useful

let's keep our earth, for the present and future

Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam
Dangers of Styrofoam


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