

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Impact of Using Styrofoam

Who would ever eat at Mc Donalds chicken soup, certainly Ever? Never do we buy food that is packed in Styrofoam containers. The use of Styrofoam as a food wrapping material is very dangerous, because the Styrofoam is made from styrene granules, which are processed using benzana. While "benzana" is a chemical hazardous to health when entered into the human body.


The more heat the food, the faster migration of chemicals into the food styrofoam. Fast food restaurants and roadside food vendors, using styrofoam for wrapping freshly baked food. There are even fast food outlets which again heats the food that has been wrapped styrofoam in the microwave.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Reducing Air Pollution by Walking, Cycling and Public Transport

Air pollution is a global problem. Sources of air pollution is primarily the burning of fossil fuels for energy for industry and transportation. Basically a form of air pollution particles (dust, gas, lead) and gas (Carbon Monoxide (CO), Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulfur Oxides (SOx), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S), hydrocarbons). Air polluted with particles and gases can cause health problems of different levels and types, depending on the variety, size and chemical composition.

In general, the effects of air pollution on the respiratory tract can lead to:

Thursday 15 March 2012

The Benefits of Infiltration Wells

Infiltration wells, the wells on the surface of the ground made for rainwater to seep into the ground. General functioning of infiltration wells is in contrast with drinking water wells. Wells is a hole to put the water into the ground, while the drinking water wells to raise the water to the surface. In addition construction is also different, for the well depth impregnation hole made above the surface of the ground water, while drinking water wells are made to a depth below the surface of the ground water.

The purpose of the manufacture of infiltration wells are:

• Preserving and improving the quality and quantity of groundwater.
• To help cope with water shortages.
• Cultivating environmental awareness.
• Conserve and save water resources long term.

While the usefulness or benefits of infiltration wells are classified as follows: